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Periodically I will imbed Important utube videos on this Page GH

Dr Reverend Peter Kumar Prophecy outlines for 2014 (He has a very accurite GLOBAL picture) This Video 2 of 3 Quote Australia,NZ and south pacific Islands  GH

Bro Kenneth Copeland Sin Consciousness vs Righteousness Consciousness

 The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn points to the shemitah more interviews dated 2014

10 steps to DEBT FREEDOM by John Copeland (Kenneth Copeland's son and CEO of KCM ministries).
This is  practical advice in turning your mentality from a Credit card debt slavery economy to a SAVINGS Debt free economy . Gods Economy is sowing and reaping ,Giving and receiving and relying on God's Holy spirit to guide you and navigate you in your decisions.
Verses the devils Economy of DEBT and GREED or the bablonian System (man working it out without God) 



Kenneth Copeland addresses the Military 
"when everything breaks down" the Price of Peace becomes the God of War"
"Thou shall not Kill" the correct meaning is "Thou shall not murder" (pre-meditated Killing is murder) The scripture is very clear on this refer Num 32:20-22,Psalm 18:34,Rom 13:4-6 where God traines Soldiers for JUST and righteous War.

Benny Hinn testimony 2013

Billy Graham God's Great General

Kenneth E Hagin 1997 Fire Falls

of the Holy Ghost at Tulsa​

Year of Jubilee 2013 ? this study is very

informative based on Leviticus 25:8 Gh

15th April 2014 Start of 4 BLOOD MOONS 
1 0f 4 (in 500 years this is the 4th occasion)
BIG EVENTS will happen Watch John Hagee

David wagner Prophecy for 2013

Four Horseman Documentary about Global Currency

Crash a MUST WATCH 2013 GH 

'One pair of Hands' by Elvis Presley
Theme Song of Fit For Christ Ministry   

Bro R.W. Schambach POWER PREACHER of the Gospel ,
Making of a warrior listen to commentry about marrying an unbeliever 'Flesh and Spirit' dont mix GH 

Bro Oral Robers healing Crusade 1957 .
(this video you will have to click again to utube)

due to a restriction embeded 

simply click again and it will send you to utube Direct Gh


Bro Oral Robers Vision 2004 with Bro Copeland and Bro Richards Roberts .(part 1) September 27, 2004

Kenneth E Hagin 2003

Bro Oral Robers Vision 2004 with Bro Copeland and Bro Richards Roberts .(part 2) Discussion 

Smith Wiggles worth by Roberts Liardon plus rare fottage of the "Apostle of Faith"
must View rare GH

Benny Hinn interviews Bro Oral Robers how his healing ministery started Crusade 1957 .
and the unbelievable Miricals ! Here Oral Roberts give a 5 point Prophecy from the Lord which I believe is about to come to pass 2015 Gh
all miricals and meetings had a State Judge present as part of the TV broadcasers requirements 

Benny Hinn interviews Bro Oral Robers how his healing ministery started Crusade 1957 .
and the unbelievable Miricals ,one little Boy's HIP SOCKET grew back!
all miricals and meetings had a State Judge present as part of the TV broadcasers requirements 

(c) Fit for Christ Ministries

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