Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission
Fit for Christ Ministries

Registered Charity in Australia ABN 4250 492 7267 (Government Certification)
Apostolic Faith (Government Certification) trading as
Fit for Christ Ministries , International Christian Alliance

(page 3)
I have decided to dedicate a page to 2015 as so much seems to be coming to a Head spiritually, historically,Globally
Some of the Videos are still embeded on the VIDEO (page 1,2 ,3 &4) but I thought I would Group together the 2015-16 Focus GH
Sid Roth's "Its Supernatural"
is a great reference point for some of the best Christian Interviews of God's modern day Prophets and Biblical scholars (click on banner) to Go direct to Sid Roth's web site GH
Sid Roth's "Its Supernatural"
is a great reference point for some of the best Christian Interviews of God's modern day Prophets and Biblical scholars (click on banner) to Go direct to Sid Roth's web site GH
The above Video is a powerful interview with Walid Shoebat who used to be a radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad until he converted to Christianity in 1994.
below is the Link to his web site , his understanding of Eastern Culture is an EYE OPENER ! to all Christians GH
Dr. Reverend Peter Kumar's 2015 & Beyond Prophecy For the Nations, (2 of 2) note 6:25 minutes of 10 minutes of video Prophecy for AUSTRALIA and South Pacific Islands GH
PROPHECY for 2015 now completed *God reply to Terrorism *Jubilee & Blood Moons*Financial Crash of USA*Revival in Australia , New Zealand and South pacific Islands (starting at Cook Islands) ....read on GH
Graham Healy's prophecy for 2015 includes the previous 2012-3-4
(click on above image)
Click above Image for Emmanuel Yukabu's 2015 Global Prophecy take note of Prophecy for Australia GH
Prophetic Words for 2015 by Bro kenneth Copeland
USA to repent and become REBORN .
(Click above Image for PDF)
Bonus Bro Jerry Savelle's Prophecy for 2015
(image to the right) also in pdf above GH
Walid Shoebat gives a relatively short (25 Minutes) speech. In that speech he gives a good overview about the true face of Islam from a biblical standpoint, which is very concerning , God bless Walid Shoebat GH
Click above image for Bro Benny Hinn's New Years 2015
Prophetic Broadcast on Lev 25 and the Jubilee year
This is confirmation of what the Lord has said to me and a Must watch video GH
PROPHECY for 2015 now completed *God reply to Terrorism *Jubilee & Blood Moons*Financial Crash of USA*Revival in Australia , New Zealand and South pacific Islands (starting at Cook Islands) ....read on GH
Graham Healy's prophecy for 2015 includes the previous 2012-3-4
(click on above image)
Very Important for 2015 the 7 th and final great transfer of wealth in the Bible THIS IS IT to SPREAD THE GOSPEL before Jesus Comes back (click image for article by Benny Hinn) GH
Last Days web site is an EXCELLENT reference source of current Events on the Biblical Timeline GH
Dr. Bill Winston preaches the JUDGEMENT of God via the Holy Spirit this is confirmation of what that Holy Spirit has been saying to me (refer my 2015 prophecy)
also Dr.Bill Winston is a former Fighter Pilot in USA Air-force
fantastic Anointed preacher his web site HERE
SUPERNATURAL WEALTH TRANSFER this is the 7th and final supernatural wealth transfer of the Bible
refer study by Benny Hinn and Dr Bill Winston
also refer full length teaching (right) by Dr. Bill Winston .
Note: this Fits in with the Global picture of the Great DEBT BUBBLE created by Governments and Business/banks today to create a state of DEBT SLAVERY about to be overturned by the Lord in 2015
also pdf file of Benny Hinn's study (click photo of Benny above)GH
Click Above banner to enter Dr. Bill Winstons web site
Living in the Supernatural by Dr.Bill.Willston
Dr. Bill Winston Supernatural Transfer of Wealth from the Sinner to the Righteous (video 2)
Dr. Bill Winston Supernatural Transfer of Wealth from the Sinner to the Righteous (video 3)