Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission
Fit for Christ Ministries

Registered Charity in Australia ABN 4250 492 7267 (Government Certification)
Apostolic Faith (Government Certification) trading as
Fit for Christ Ministries , International Christian Alliance

The BLESSING of the LORD by Kenneth Copeland
Click Image for a copy of the "blessing" on KCM web site
if you require the
DVD set on the Blessing Click here
I suggest purchase of bothe DVD's and BOOK
The 'BLESSING' by Kenneth Copeland
I believe is the Prophetic Book for 2016 .
The Holy Spirit has been prompting me to read and re-read bro Copelands book which (by Bro Copelands own admission) is the Culmination of his almost 50 years in Global Ministry .
This Book traces the 'SEED' of Abraham (Jesus) through the whole Bible as , and in the form of the BLESSING (which is the creative power of God in Creating things including,finances,health,prosperty in (mind ,body,spirit)
The BLESSING of the LORD is BIG!
The Blessing of the Lord makes Rich and He adds no Sorrow with it"
Proverbs 10:22
This Book is the most important understanding of the HOW THE BLESSING WORKS and threads together the whole Bible in a completley scriptual but revelationary diamension
that I truely believe is the
Graham Healy
Romans 13 discusses the Ministry of Government,Police and Army
be 'enlightened' by this discussion and is also the
belief of 'fitforchrist ministries'
(picture above)
Bro kennenth Copeland
preaches on Smith wigglesworth and the raising of 17 cases of raising people (by the Aointing of God ),from the dead in hospitals (certified and documented cases)
Bro. Copeland
has an associate minister who knew Smith Wigglesworth personally and witnessed many of these miracles
click the image of Bro. Copeland to view video.
2015 this Anointing will return
Graham Healy
18 April 2015
Graham Healy's profetic summery for 2016
soon on (click the above link) page to re-enforce the above
brief statement
I believe the LORD is going to
TIE IT ALL TOGETHER in 2016 for the Body of Christ ....more coming soon 'hot off the press' GH