Living at the End of Time (A Supernatural Increase) by Kenneth Copeland
6,000 years of time had past in history to Nov 2013 . In the Lords timing that is 6 days (one day is 1,000 years in the Lord (2Peter3:8) Now there is a 'slither' of time before the lord returns Acts 2 14-37 SUPERNATURAL BLESSING AND INCREASE where the 'Plowman (sower)will over take the reaper (Amos 9:13) Brother Kenneth Copeland stopped all appointments and sought GODS FACE for one full month 1988 and the the result ? GLORY,the WORD,true FAITH, and connected ANOINTING. for those who understand we are IN THAT TIME NOW Nov 2013 and I believe 2014 the GREAT GLORY OF INCREASE OF THE BLESSING OF THE LORD AND HARVEST OF SOULS will begin (in fact in some parts of the world already has began (refer testimony on Africa in Bro Copeland booklett) . MUST READ FOR TODAY !
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