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Sermons by Graham Healy

Easter Friday 3rd April 2015
Note: Blood Moon tomorrow the 4th April 2015
Sermon Today 9am at

Freedom Fellowship Forest Lake
"From the Cross to the THRONE" 
sermon Inspired through the Holy Spirit
via Brother Kenneth Copeland.
I suggest you purchase the "original" Audio CD 
click Here to Purchase
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KCM Australia 
 Audio CD the cost of "What Happened From the Cross to the Throne" is $7.00 and the product number is #029803

These are my sermon notes in PDF format , all sermons are compiled under the anointing of the Holy Spirit none are copies of other ministers and are relevant on the day to
what the Lord speaks to me about ,
what is written here is not Preached to the letter as the Holy Spirit will move from point to point as 'he' sees fit' not Graham Healy
so as well prepared as I may be sermons are always subect to Change or different emphasis by the Holy Ghost on the day.
Jesus only did what the Father Told Him nothing more nothing less  and I will do and say what the Holy spirit tells me
nothing more nothing less. GH

Cross to throne Part 1 - Graham Healy
Cross to Throne Part 2 - Graham Healy
Cross to Throne part 3 - Graham Healy
Are you born again part 1 - Graham Healy
Are you borna again part 2 - Graham Healy
Are you born again part3 - Graham Healy

Cook Island Church Brisbane part (1 of 3)
by Graham Healy
Sun 23 Nov 2014

Cook Island Church Brisbane Part (2 of 3)
by Graham Healy
Sun 23 Nov 2014

Question: "What is the difference between iniquity, sin, and transgression?"
Sin = you miss the Mark 

Transgression = You 'jump the Fence' knowing that what you are doing is WRONG (Sin)

Iniquity = a Bent or Crooked twist in your flesh man :
(1) you know its sin 
(2) you jump the fence
(2)You Carry out the Sin (fully aware its wrong,and has consequences, the the 'bent or crookness' in the Flesh man takes over (example King David and Bathsheba) 
also see sermon by Johnathan Mok

Sin ,Trangression,Iniquity

Question: "What is the difference between iniquity, sin, and transgression?"
Sin = you miss the Mark 

Transgression = You 'jump the Fence' knowing that what you are doing is WRONG (Sin)

Iniquity = a Bent or Crooked twist in your flesh man :
(1) you know its sin 
(2) you jump the fence
(2)You Carry out the Sin (fully aware its wrong,and has consequences, the the 'bent or crookness' in the Flesh man takes over (example King David and Bathsheba) 
also see sermon by Johnathan Mok

(c) Fit for Christ Ministries

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