Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission
Fit for Christ Ministries

Registered Charity in Australia ABN 4250 492 7267 (Government Certification)
Apostolic Faith (Government Certification) trading as
Fit for Christ Ministries , International Christian Alliance

Leslie Harris (Apostle/Evangelist)

My best mate Leslie John Harris secures Aboriginal Land claim after a 20 years battle God bless you mate !
2005 when me & Leslie were in prayer:
"I saw Les traveling the outback in his 4 wheel drive and a huge basin on OIL was under the land he drove upon
" Todays news the Vision is coming to pass just in Gods timing for what is about to happen in 2016 Globally.
Graham Healy
Link to Channel 7 news Item (Click Here)
After a 20 year fight, Aboriginal communities in the state's far north-east have won native title rights over their land.

Les Harris(with shofa),
Emannuel Yukubu,
Graham Healy
and Aunti Tazma