Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission
Fit for Christ Ministries

Registered Charity in Australia ABN 4250 492 7267 (Government Certification)
Apostolic Faith (Government Certification) trading as
Fit for Christ Ministries , International Christian Alliance

Graham has been involved in many associated ministries ,here are some photographs .

Graham Chairman AFCOGA

Emmanuel & Graham

Mum and Petrina Petrina went to Glory with the Lord 17th Aug 2013

Alan Healy

Graham piggy-back Petrina across water to Island Fiji 2002

Graham in Qld State of Origin footie shorts :) right of GH Pastor Lye Fiji 2002

My Dear Petrina(2nd from right) in Boat ready to Go to Islands off Fiji mission trip 2002

Church BBQ at Chan-Healys Place 2005

Graham-Di-Eric praying for young Fijian Lad Fiji Mission 2002

Praying for People Fiji 2002 Eric & Do Peters , GH to Right beside Gh Pastor Lye

Mareeba-Chad-GH-Carl-Les 2013

Gh Eric Di Peters 2013


Dr T ,Tazma,John Alley


kenmore+church Petrina Chan-Healy worshiping the Lord in front Petrina went to Glory with the Lord 17 Aug 2013 LOVED BY ALL Gh

Allan Centre Petrina Left Petrina went to Glory with the Lord 17 Aug 2013


Brookfield Camp

Dr T and Graham

Dr T and Stanley Chan

Emmanuel Te Te and Dr T

African Church and Dr T

Emmanuel at Darra

Emmanuel at Darra

Emmanuel at Darra


Mr Park and family GH an AH