Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission
Fit for Christ Ministries

Registered Charity in Australia ABN 4250 492 7267 (Government Certification)
Apostolic Faith (Government Certification) trading as
Fit for Christ Ministries , International Christian Alliance

The voice of miracles ministries international Inc.

To set the Captives free and loose the Bondages, to reveal the works of the devil through the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit and to gather God’s children into one fold.
To bring the lost to the Lord Jesus Christ and into membership family and develop them in Christ into maturity and to equip them for further ministry in the Church as their Mission in the world in other to magnify the name of the Lord.
Our purpose is to promote unity amongst other Christian group, race, Nationality etc. And to preach a full gospel to every creature and the lost. It has its purpose to set the captives free and loose the bondage and to reveal the work of the devil through the power of the Holy Spirit and to gather God’s children into one fold.
Job 5:12 He Frustrates the Devices of the crafty so that their hands can not carryout their plans.

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Dr.Emmanuel Yukabu
has a Local 0peration
to feed the poor and needy
in a monthly program of our ministry feeding children and less privelledge in our society
Dr.Emmanuel Yukabu
has a Local 0peration
to feed the poor and needy
in a monthly program of our ministry feeding children and less privelledge in our society
Project Water Supply
is an Inative
by Dr.Emmanuel Yukabu
Dr.Graham Healy
to Supply Drinking water
to selected communities
in Nigeria
(click image) for details
Dr. Emmanuel Yukabu is a TRUSTED FRIEND of mine we have known each other for over 8 years , Emmanuel is a genuine Christian Minister and Fitforchrist Ministeries fully endorces Dr.Yukabu
Rev. Dr. Graham Healy.
Project Water Supply
is an Inative
by Dr.Emmanuel Yukabu
Dr.Graham Healy
to Supply Drinking water
to selected communities
in Nigeria
(click image) for details
Emmanuel YAKUBU GT Bank Nigeria PLC Garki.
Ahmadu Bello Way, ABUJA Branch
account num 022-946-4532
You may send Donations to Dr. Emmanuel Yukabu Direct to the above account as he has a fully registered Ministery in Nigeria.
or (B)
You may wish to pass on Donations through Fitforchrist Ministeries
and our Australian registered accounts and ABN numbers etc
100% of all Donations will be sent to Dr. Yukabu in this process
Receipts will be issued upon request
as Fitforchrist Ministries is registered in Australia by the
Australian Charities and not for Profit Commission
If you select Option (B)
our account Details (refer bottom of page)
please Tag all Donations to Dr.E.Yukubu
Receipts will be issued and Dr.Yukubu will confirm receipt of all Funds to YOU from Fitforchrist Ministries as a double Check .
and for your confidence and complete transparency of all transactions
Dr.Emmanuel Yukubu
The voice of miracles ministries international Inc
Address P.O. box 7133 wuse 900003, ABUJA Nigeria
Emails Voiceofmiracleintmin@yahoo.com.com