Was Jesus a Compete Pacifist ? No he wasn't he was and is GOD and a returning Warrior
Objections to the pacifist interpretation of Scripture WAS JESUS REALLY A PACIFIST? A comprehensive study proves that He was not....

Does the Old Testament Affirm Capital Punishment? Would Jesus?
Previously, I have examined the issue of capital punishment from a purely secular perspective (see links at the close of this...

How Did the Apostles DIE ?
Question: "Does the Bible record the death of the apostles? How did each of the apostles die?" Answer: The only apostle whose death the...

Flying Fortress Fit For Christ Ministries
See Image Gallery

The Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges that established homosexual marriage as national
On the Moral Level The Court’s decision violates the moral standards specifically enumerated in our founding documents. The Declaration...

Biblically marriage is between a man & women fundamental Basics 101 . Somebody's sexual orientation has many forms ,some claim that...

Prophecy 2015 by Graham Healy
refer to this Page for Details

FIRE UP ! EXPECT BIG THINGS FROM THE SPIRIT OF GOD ! Bring your Friends "Cook Island Church" this Sunday 11.30am ITS FREE ! INVITE YOUR...

7 Prophetic WORDS for Australia Oct 2014
"Australia and New Zealand – Seven Words From God For You" Brian Simmons, Wichita, KS Click this Link SPOT ON and in line with my 10...

Testamony of Student Micheal McKeon 55years old Medicaly trained re Long term Health
To my Christian Followers regarding Total Biblical Health and Self-Defence Attitude and training (Michael McKeon has his own ministry and...